Monday, December 12, 2011

Rain Farewell Concert

I’ll say this right off the bat, I’m not a huge K-pop fan. Actually, I really don’t like it all. But, I have been living in Korea for such a long period of time that I figured I should eventually go to one. The problem was, I didn’t like any K-pop band enough to actually pay for a ticket to go and see them (with the exception of TVXQ, because they defy amazing).

One day, a friend of mine posted on Facebook about a free K-pop concert, and being college student, the word “free” instantly caught my eye. One of Korea’s biggest stars (if not the biggest), Rain (or Bi), was giving one farewell concert before his mandatory military enlistment, where he would be spending the next two years.

It was the perfect opportunity. One, it was free, and two, it was in Seoul, which meant that I didn’t have to pay for an expensive train ticket to get there (remember the whole not wanting to pay thing; that included transportation). So, I grabbed my roommate and we headed down to the concert.

Our first thought upon arrival was dear lord, we forgot how popular this man is. Though we arrived 3 hours early, there was still almost nowhere to stand and see the stage.

We eventually managed to find a spot, though we had a nice crane and tree blocking the middle of the stage. After standing for 3 hours, the concert finally started and the 10,000+ member audience roared with applause.

Rain sang with great passion (though he was having microphone troubles, which made his singing quite hard to hear at times, and displayed his signature (and amazing dance moves.

As the concert came to a close, we noticed that Rain had not done one thing—display his signature abs. He did not disappoint.

After drying off from dancing in the rain, Rain returned to the stage to say his farewell to the audience. He thanked us for our support for the last 10 years, and how wonderful it is that we turned out to say farewell to him. He talked about joining the air force, and that he hoped, when he returns in 2 years, that we will love him just the say as we loved him that night. There was not a dry eye in the audience.

But ending on a sad note has never been Rain’s style, so he left us with one final anthem, the Party Rock Anthem.

(They danced to this for about 10 minutes)

In the end, I was glad that I went. Rain proved to be entertaining and I could finally say that yes, I have been to a K-pop concert.

On an end note, RAAAAAIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!

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