Sunday, June 29, 2014

Letter to my Grandfather

The following contains a letter to my grandfather. He served in the 1st Calvary Div. of the US between 1961-63. While there, he helped train South Korean soldiers. This is a letter sent to my grandfather from one the Korean soldiers serving under him. 

Page 1

Transcript Page 1:

"15 July, 1964

"Dear Sir,

"How does it fare with you in this unbearably rainy season?

"I am delightful to say that my family and I are all well.

"I am sincerely sorry for not writing to you sooner. Already it is three weeks since I was discharged from the Army. 

"All the nicest words would not be enough to express to you my feelings of gratitude for your kindness that you have rendered me during my Army life at the 1st Calvary Div.

"Especially I would like to take this opportunity of becoming more acquainted with you, a man of noble character. Maybe I cannot forget you forever.

"You are really respectable man among persons whom I know. I remember that you tried to understand the Korean and you did your best for me and the 79th RCT.

"Do you have a picture of yourself that you could send me?

Page 2

Transcript Page 2:

" I hope I can keep your picture in my house.

"The other day I took entering examination for the official of Global Travel Service.

"To my surprise, competition of the examination 50 to 1 was marked.

"What was stronger competition, those who were passed by the standard of the written application could take examination.

"It is a pity that I couldn't repay you for your kindness. 

"I can get job now at school as teacher, if I want, but I am studying for some examination in coming Fall.

"When will you go home, sir?

"Trusting that you are one enjoying your usual good health and looking forward to your reply, I remain, dear sir.

"Cordially yours,
Choi (?) T.T.

"P.s. Please remember me to all PIO men, sir."

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Photos of Korean War Reconstruction

All photos were taken by my grandfather during the reconstruction of South Korea after the Korean war. These photos were taken between 1961-1963. 

Two North Korean soldiers at the DMZ

A breastfeeding mother

A shot of the 1st Calvary division of the US Army, which my grandfather served in.


A couple saving their year's supply of kimchi from a flood.

Wongudan Alter in Seoul

Juye Valley. According to the photo description, 30 American and Korean soldiers lost their lives here in a flood.

From the photo description: Two Korean orphans from the war accepting blankets on behalf of their orphanage. This was a part of "Operation Warmth" where the US Army gave blankets and coats to the orphaned Korean children. 

A girl washing laundry.

According to the photo description: "Just outside of Seoul. The woman hurriedly threw a jacket over her when I took her picture. I tried to get her naked from the waist up. She stuck her tongue out at me, too. Note the rugged countryside in the background."

Three North Korean soldiers at the DMZ

Two orphans participating in "Operation Warmth".

According to the photo description: "Papasan of Pong Il-Chong"

Streets of Seoul


Empty shell casings

A woman weaving straw mats